Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 28/04/2022
Name | Role |
ROBSON BONOMO | Advisor * |
Examining board:
Name | Role |
JOABE MARTINS DE SOUZA | Internal Examiner * |
ROBSON BONOMO | Advisor * |
Summary: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the technique of alternating root system
wetting (APRI) associated with the water deficit strategy on physiological variables,
growth, productivity and water use efficiency of Conilon coffee. The experiment was
installed and conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Centro Universitário Norte do
Espírito Santo, Federal University of Espírito Santo, in the municipality of São MateusES. The experiment followed a randomized block design with nine treatments or nine
irrigation management strategies (APRI 3 - application of 50 and 100% of crop
evapotranspiration (ETc), alternating 3 days; APRI 7 - application of 50 and 100 % of
crop evapotranspiration (ETc), alternating 7 days; APRI 14 - application of 50 and
100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc), alternating 14 days; DI - irrigation with
controlled water deficit, application of 50% of ETc; IF 2 - fixed irrigation, application of
100% of ETc, by two lines of drippers, one on each side of the root system of the plant;
IF 1 - fixed irrigation, application of 100% of ETc, by a line of drippers , on only one
side of the root system. There were no significant differences in growth and yield
variables for the irrigation management strategy with controlled water deficit and
alternation of the irrigated side. The technique of partial drying of the root system
associated with a water deficit of 50% of the ETc with an increase in the frequency of
alternation on the irrigated side showed a tendency towards higher productivity and
water use efficiency. The water restriction used (APRI 50% and DI 50%) did not affect
the relative water content in the leaves. The evaluations of the relative chlorophyll index
showed that the APRI strategy did not affect the photosynthetic efficiency of the plants.
The plants submitted to water deficit condition (APRI 50% and DI 50%) presented
values of the fluorescence parameters significantly equal to the plants that were not
submitted to water deficit (APRI 100% and IF 100%)