Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Reduction of microbiological contamination of black pepper from Northern Espírito Santo 01/11/2019 24 Coordinator *
Microbiological quality of black pepper from the Northern region of Espírito Santo 01/05/2019 24 Coordinator *
Management of soil-borne pathogens in black pepper field 01/05/2019 24 Coordinator *
Management of soil-borne pathogens in black pepper field 01/05/2019 24 Coordinator *
Effects of simulated drift of glyphosate herbicide on pepper 01/08/2018 24 Collaborator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
FILIPE DE MORAES 29/05/2020 MSc in Tropical Agriculture
RENATA APARECIDA AHNERT DOS SANTOS 05/07/2019 MSc in Tropical Agriculture
ANA CAROLINA LYRA BRUMAT 16/02/2018 MSc in Tropical Agriculture
ANNA CAROLINE BRINCO ROCHA 26/05/2017 MSc in Tropical Agriculture
THAISA THOMAZINI HERZOG 23/02/2017 MSc in Tropical Agriculture


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
JAILSON MAURICIO PINTO Controle da Camarotella torrendiella E Camarotella acrocomiae no cultivo do Cocos nucifera 26/09/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
THAIS ALMEIDA DO NASCIMENTO 22/03/2023 Advisor * MSc dissertation
THAIS ALMEIDA DO NASCIMENTO 22/03/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
PAULA ABIKO NAVARRO CARRION 16/02/2023 Advisor * MSc dissertation
PAULA ABIKO NAVARRO CARRION 16/02/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation


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