Publication date: 29/04/2019

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Examining board:

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Summary: PINHEIRO, Ana Carolina Roos; Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo; Abril de 2019; Restoration of impacted area by clay exploration on tabuleiro costeiro soil ; Orientador: Fábio Ribeiro Pires; Co-orientador: Adriano Alves Fernandes, Luiz Fernando Tavares de Meneses.
Mineral exploration is considered one of the basic sectors for the economic and social development of many countries, but this activity causes damage to the soil due to the removal of the more superficial layers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the recovery of two degraded areas by clay exploration, as a function of different revegetation techniques and soil preparation, together with the introduction of native species, cultivated in tabuleiros costeiros, in the Mata Atlântica biome. The experimental areas were a slope and a cava bottom, in which the experimental design used for the two experiments was in a randomized complete block in a 3x3 factorial scheme with 4 replications, and for the slope the treatments were composed by the combination of revegetation techniques (Only native species without seed mix), native species introduced simultaneously to the seed mix, and native species introduced six months after the seed mix) and for the bottom of the pit was composed by the combination of soil preparation (Scarification, Scarification + harrowing and subsoiling + harrowing) and ways of introducing native vegetation in the same way as the slope. For the two experiments, bulk Density, Total Porosity, Ma and Microporosity, soil resistance to penetration, aggregate stability and soil fertility were determined; in the native seedlings were evaluated monthly plant height and diameter, and the field survival rate was calculated; for the seed mix, the soil cover index and fresh and dry matter were calculated. A significant reduction was observed already at six after the implantation of the two experiments in the soil density and the soil resistance to the penetration, allowing the establishment of vegetation in the area, as well as increase in the chemical attributes. It was emphasized the use of the rabo de bugio and the aroeira for the recovery of degraded area, being possible to observe also difficulty of
establishment of the coffee species. Both the use of hidrossemeadura on the slope and the use of subsoiling ensured better results over 12 months.

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