Publication date: 23/02/2017

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Examining board:

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FÁBIO LUIZ PARTELLI Internal Examiner *

Summary: HERZOG, Thaisa Thomazini, M.Sc.; Federal University of Espirito Santo; February 2017; Fungicides and physiological effects coffee conilon culture; Supervisor: Marcelo Barreto da Silva, Co-supervisor: Fábio Luiz Partelli.
The State of Espirito Santo is featured in national coffee conilon production,
being the activity of great importance to the region. Among the main problems faced by coffee producers include diseases, as rust of coffee, responsable for expressive losses in productivity. Associated with other strategies fungicide controls, that are products intended for phytopathogenic control so as to reduce their populations levels that not interfere in quality and quantity of agricultural production. However, some fungicides also act in plant physiology. The fungicides with physiological effects can bring great benefits for coffee crop by thatched this double control action.However, these effects are still for a few clarified for conilon coffee crop. Before the exposed, this paper aimed to study the physilogical effects conilon coffee crop provides applying
different fungicides. The experimental was design in radom blocks with six treatments (two applications of pyraclostrobin and epoxiconazole + boscalid and two applications of pyraclostrobin and epoxiconazole - T1 and others with three applications of pyraclostrobin and epoxiconazole - T2, pyraclostrobin, epoxiconazole and fluxapyroxad - T3, epoxiconazole - T4 and pyraclostrobin - T5 and, without application of fungicide - T6) and four replicates. Evaluations of rust progress were carried out; growth of branches, number of nodes per branch and length of internodes; relative index of chlorophyll; average number of rosettes with fruits, fruits per branch and fruits per rosette and productivity. The differences observed in some evaluations were inherent to the effect of the products on the physiology of conilon coffee, since the disease was naturally controlled. Based on the results obtained in the work, it was
concluded that, under the conditions under which it was carried out, the application only with epoxiconazole provided lower cumulative growth and number of nodes per plagiotropic branch, only in the second evaluation, and fewer rosettes with fruits. As not observed the occurrence of disease in the field, arising unfavourable weather conditions, the differences observed in some variables were inherent in the effect of treatments in physiology of conilon coffee. Based on results at work, it was concluded that in conditions under which was held, the epoxiconazole application alone provided
x less accumulated growth and number of nodes per branch plagiotropic, and fewer number of rosetes with fruit.The treatments with pyraclostrobin influenced positively relative indices of chlorophyll and lower values of the chlorophyll a/b ratio. There was no effect of products in conilon coffee in other features monitored.

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